参考 此文.
可参考 此文.
或者,可以对生成的CSS文件使用自定义样式。 参见 此文.
这些都是“hugo coder”主题使用的参数。
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default | Example |
author | string | Yes | 作者名 | "John Doe" |
info | string | Yes | An headline, job title or similar. | "Full Stack Developer" |
description | string | Yes | 站点描述 | "John Doe's personal website" |
keywords | string | Yes | 站点关键词 | "blog,developer,personal" |
avatarURL | string | No | 作者照片 | "images/avatar.jpg" |
gravatar | string | No | 作者Gravatar图像 | "[email protected]" |
faviconSVG | string | No | Custom path to a SCG favicon. | "/img/favicon.svg" |
"/img/favicon.svg" |
favicon_32 | string | No | Custom path to a 32x32 favicon. | "/img/favicon-32x32.png" |
"/img/favicon-32x32.png" |
favicon_16 | string | No | Custom path to a 16x16 favicon. | "/img/favicon-16x16.png" |
"/img/favicon-16x16.png" |
touchIcon | string | No | Custom path to an apple-touch-icon | "/images/apple-touch-icon.png" |
"/images/apple-touch-icon.png" |
mask_icon | string | No | Custom path to a mask-icon | "/images/safari-pinned-tab.svg" |
"/images/safari-pinned-tab.svg" |
mask_icon_color | string | No | Custom color for mask-icon color | "#5bbad5" |
"#5bbad5" |
since | string | No | Date shown in the footer before now year | "2020" |
maxSeeAlsoItems | number | No | Series see also post count | 5 |
10 |
commit | string | No | Show the last git commit in the footer | "https://github.com/luizdepra/hugo-coder/tree/" |
rtl | bool | No | Enable the Right To Left mode. | false |
true or false |
math | bool | No | Enable MathJax Module and add JS into your site. | false |
true or false |
katex | bool | No | Enable katex for all content types. | false |
true or false |
colorScheme | string | No | Specify light/dark colorscheme | "auto" |
"auto" or "light" or "dark" |
hideColorSchemeToggle | bool | No | If true, hides the color scheme toggle | false |
true or false |
customCSS | list | No | Add extra CSS files to the website. | [] | ["css/extra-style.css"] |
customSCSS | list | No | Add extra SCSS files to the website. | [] | ["scss/extra-style.scss"] |
customJS | list | No | Add extra JS files to the website. | [] | ["js/extra-script.js"] |
customRemoteJS | list | No | Add extra remote JS files to the website. | [] | ["https://www.example.com/file.js"] |
enableTwemoji | bool | No | Adds support for Twemoji | false |
true or false |
disableDefaultJsScripts | bool | No | If true, disables default js scripts (coder.js) | false |
true or false |
Social Icons Configuration
Social Icons are optional. To use them you will need to set at least all the following required parameters for each icon.
Configuration | Type | Required | Description | Example |
name | string | Yes | Icon name. | "Github" |
icon | string | Yes | FontAwesome icon classes. | "fa-brands fa-github" |
weight | int | Yes | Icon order. | 1 |
url | string | Yes | URL to redirect. | "https://github.com/johndoe/" |
An example:
Menu Items Configurations
Menu Items are optional. To use them you will need to set all the following required parameters for each icon.
Configuration | Type | Required | Description | Example |
name | string | Yes | Menu Item name. | "Posts" |
weight | int | Yes | Menu Item order. | 1 |
url | string | Yes | URL to redirect. | "/posts/" |
class | string | No | Menu Item extra class attribute. | "menu-item" |
target | string | No | URL target attribute. | "_blank" |
rel | string | No | URL rel attribute. | "alternate" |
type | string | No | URL type attribute. | "application/rss+xml" |
An example:
CSP stands for Content Security Policy. These configurations are optional. To use them you will need to set all the following required parameters. See here for reference.
Configuration | Type | Required | Description | Example |
childsrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
fontsrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
formaction | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
framesrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
imgsrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
objectsrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
stylesrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
scriptsrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
connectsrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
An example:
Complete Example
This is a complete configuration example with some recommended values.
Front Matter
Hugo documentation: https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter
This theme includes one content type:
- Posts, useful to display blog posts
These are the front matter variables used by hugo-coder
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default | Example |
tags | list | No | Add tag(s) to this post. | ["Hugo", "Go"] |
categories | list | No | Add categorie(s) to this post. | ["Hugo", "Go"] |
series | list | No | Add series to this post (used by OpenGraph). | ["Theme Demo"] |
author | list | No | Add author to this post. | ["John Doe"] |
externalLink | string | No | Link to an external post. | "https://github.com/luizdepra/hugo-coder/wiki" |
featuredImage | string | No | Link/path to add an image below post metadata. | "https://github.com/luizdepra/hugo-coder/blob/master/images/screenshot.png" |
math | bool | No | If true, MathJax is enabled only for this post. | false |
true or false |
katex | bool | No | If true, katex is enabled only for this post. | false |
true or false |
disableComments | bool | No | If true, comments are disabled. | false |
true or false |
canonicalUrl | string | No | Link to override in | false |
"https://my-company.com/blog/my-blog-post-that-I-repost-without-hurtiong-seo" |
“tags”, “categories”, “series” and “authors” are taxonomies defined in the
Available Languages
This theme supports the following languages:
- Arabic
- Bengali
- Czech
- German
- English
- Spanish
- Finnish
- French
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Malay
- Dutch
- Polish
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Swedish
- Slovak
- Turkish
- Simplified Chinese
- Taiwan Chinese
- Urdu
Configure languages
Go to this Hugo documentation page to configure one or multiple languages for your website.
Translation File Example